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Day 4 – The Window of Hope

By July 21, 2011December 16th, 2012One Comment

We make it to the train station no problem and grab our seats. Days are starting to mix together. We’ve had very little sleep this whole trip so all of us are trying to grab sleep whenever it becomes available. After sitting down, all of us catch some sleep instantly. Next thing we know, we are in Barcelona.

We arrive  with hopes I can get a replacement passport. It was now or never (or at least it felt like it). If I didn’t get my replacement passport here, I’d be stuck in Spain until I would be able to do so. The comforting thing was that I was with friends and regardless we’d make it a good trip. I also realized I shouldn’t have ditched learning Spanish for French.

As soon as we get off the train, we hail a taxi to take us to the hostel that Jason will be staying at. Barcelona seemed a bit more fashionable and I was eager to get out and explore (with the little time I had). We finally arrive at the hostel and quickly jump on a computer to check mail, facebook and find out the details for the US Consolate.

After getting settled in, we quickly grab a bite to eat at a local shop around the corner and print a couple key documents for the flight to Germany. Afterwards we all hail another cab and head to the US Consolate.

Upon arrival, we all commented on how nice it was to see the American flag again. Hopefully our security and safety net would not let us down. The door was heavy and we were greeted by a middle aged man behind a glass window. This was not what I expected. I quickly told him of my situation and received and answer I did not want to hear.

“The office closes at 1pm. It’s not possible.”

On the website it said it closed at 5pm and it was around 2pm. We all exchanged glances and wondered what our next step would be. It looks like I’ll be staying in Barcelona for awhile.

Now I’m not sure if it was the look on our faces or perhaps he understood the dire situation, be he told us to wait there for a second as perhaps we would be able to get it done today. After waiting for about 45 minutes in the smallest room without chairs, we were finally let inside. They only allowed Tim and myself to go in so Jason decided to take a cab back to the hostel to figure out his money situation.

After going through the various checkpoints, I was soon faced with a stern woman who asked me why I was here. She asked if I had any copies, credit cards, etc. I obviously replied that it was all stolen. Instead of being understanding, she was shaking her head saying I need certain documents.

Not comforting at all.

I was finally greeted by a young woman who spoke perfect english. It was very comforting at this point to hear I would get a temporary passport in the next 30 minutes. After waiting and jotting down all the stuff I’d need to replace when I’m back in the States, I’m finally called up to the counter after about an hour. A middle aged man greeted me and hands me my passport. YES! We’re back in business baby!

I wake up Tim (who always seemed to fall asleep whenever he could) and we catch a cab back to Jason’s hostel to  say our parting words. After exchanging a few words, we all wished for safe travels and parted ways.

Tim and I quickly take a metro to the airport and got ready for our next flight to Berlin, Germany.

Date: 7/14/11

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