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Day 9 – Recovering

By August 1, 2011December 16th, 2012No Comments

Pretty much my day started by waking up at 7pm. Wait, what?

Yea. I slept from 2am to 7pm. I slept for 17 hours.

So obviously this took ruined my plans of getting any sort of work and recovery done. This whole week I’ll spend catching up on work and getting all those errands done such as getting a new driver’s license, credit cards, insurance and etc.

Well, not much to say about today as I spent most of it asleep. All I have to say is.

Thank you for joining me on this CRAZY adventure. Also special thanks goes out to all of those who supported me during the time of crisis. It really meant a lot to me to hear from all of you and the support! Of course many thanks to both my friends Tim King and Jason Kirby for a very memorable trip. Until next time…

Gracias y adiós a mis amigos!
Vielen Dank und auf Wiedersehen meine Freunde!
Dank u en tot ziens mijn vrienden!

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