I can’t believe I’ll be leaving San Diego tomorrow. It has been my home since I moved out here to attend San Diego State University. I’ve lived in this wonderful city for about 8 years now and have loved every moment of it. I’m not sure what is in store for me moving forward; however, I trust that it will all be for the best. I’m excited. One of my favorite quotes from Mark Twain really stuck with me:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
I’m very sad to leave all the wonderful people I’ve met from my 8 years in San Diego. It’s one of those moments in time that you will cherish forever. There have been so many people in my life that have influence me and helped me grow into the person I am today. Im truly honored to have been part of their lives.
Unfortunately, I’ll be moving back home for a couple months until I make a move to Europe. I’m hoping to be out there for awhile. The main determining factor for me is how I plan on building a sustainable lifestyle.
Although the move to Europe may seem random, I have a clear goal in mind. I want to understand different cultures for my own personal and professional growth.
I’m really excited for the next chapter in my life. This is one of those moments where you could actually put a bookmark and close out a chapter. It’s a very clear change in the lifestyle I was living for the past couple years. It hasn’t quite hit me yet, but I’m always looking forward to learning something new and taking on adventure. Again, I’m a true gemini at heart. Ever since I was a child, I always kept looking for new adventures or hobbies. I’m an explorer of new interests and want to experience all that life has to offer.
To all those who have been a part of my life so far. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. So many memories and experiences to remember. They are the kinds of memories that are priceless and worth more than anything else in the world. So thank you and I look forward to many more years of our friendship.
Until then…It’s off to the next adventure. Here is what I hope is in store (slowly adding to this list):
- See the main city of Reykjavík
- Bathe in the Blue Lagoon
- Maybe see the Northern Lights
- See some cool Icebergs – Jökulsárlón (The Jökulsár Lagoon)
- See a Geyser
- See the Northern Lights
- Go to a Ice Hotel
- Visit Beelitz in Berlin
- Visit Spreepark
- Live there for at minimum 3 months (passport) or 9 months (student visa) or longer (work permit)
- Take a cooking class
- Perhaps teach English
- See the great wall of china
- Go Surfing without being eaten by a shark
- See the Opera House
- Hear an aussie say aluminum…mate
I love how you love life :). Have a wonderful journey!!